Ten years ago, my life had taken a bad turn. It was really like a "break the sound barrier" downward spiral into a black hole. I'd lost my job, nearly lost my husband, and completely lost myself and everything I believed in. It totally sucked. This past month, as I celebrated my 44th year on this planet, I pondered what I had learned through that process. I thought this would be a good time to share what I call my "Big Truths," or "What I learned when my life went to hell in a bucket."
1) Don’t worry if you haven’t learned the lesson from any given situation, because you will have another opportunity to learn it. That’s the way it works~ the universe will be more than generous in providing you new opportunities to learn to be giving, caring, selfless, compromising, and forgiving. Rewind, push play.
2) The grass ain’t greener. Wherever you go, you take yourself with you~ that means you bring the same issues and unresolved crap with you into every new relationship & situation, which brings me to the next truth…
3) If there’s a problem, it’s probably you. It’s easier to blame others than to look at yourself objectively. But taking responsibility for a situation is halfway home to resolving it. Walking away rarely means resolution. There is a difference between being in control and being controlling. See #1.
4) Whatever you want, you’ve got to bring it. If you want champagne at the party, then you’d better stop and pick some up instead of hoping someone else will provide it. This means, for example, if you want loving, warm, honest relationships, then you’d better show up with the love, warmth, and honesty in your own heart before worrying about what the other person brought. See #3.
5) Forgiveness is something you do for you. (Not forgiving means you choose to hold onto the crap and take it all personally. Guess what? What other people do is not about you. It’s about them. If someone has hurt you, it wasn’t on purpose, it was because they were trying to get their needs met~ needs that you weren’t meeting. See #3.
6) If you can imagine it, you can create it. Everything good in your life started first in your dreams and imagination. Think big. Imagine the possibilities. You are everything you need.
As always, I wish you peace.
This post should be committed to memory. It should go viral on the internet then be printed in newspapers and put on billboards possibly surrounded by flashing lights.
ReplyDeleteWhen my life went to hell in a bucket I was very lucky to have you there to share your hard earned truths, my life is better because I listened. Thanks for the wisdom, and the sharing.
You make me smile. :]
ReplyDeleteI am so grateful for our friendship! <3
Not sure why the rest of this post has disappeared...working on it...