Thursday, December 16, 2010
When It's All Worth It
Last year, when my husband was in Iraq, he had contacted her for help in securing a "stabilization." You can request one when you have a child who will be a high school junior during the time of your next scheduled military move. It ensures that you stay put until your child has graduated from high school. For those of you who know my husband, you know he has never met a stranger and always takes the time to have a friendly relationship with everyone. Linda filled me in.
Apparently, her father was a veteran. Well, that's all it took. My husband had a U.S flag officially flown over Iraq for her father. Then he had it sent to him, along with a personalized certificate. She told me, "You can never know how much that meant to him. When he received it, he raised it proudly with all of his family in attendance. He spoke of your husband, with tears in his eyes. Later, Taps was played. It is still proudly flying."
Now, my husband has been home for less than half of our marriage, because of his military service. But when I look back over these nearly 20 years, and I see how many lives he's touched through his service, I know that our family's struggles have been worth it.
I married a wonderful man, and I am so grateful for him!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
the Seasons go 'Round & 'Round
They weren't sheltered like you might think. We lived and traveled all over the world. They were involved in sports, scouting, and church activities. We went on field trips with other home-school families. There were music lessons, concerts, camps, and even wood carving lessons from a retired Colonel down the street. We were able to visit our family and friends and take great vacations while everyone else was in school. Even though they were three years apart, my children became the best of friends. I know, because I was there.
Now they are both in college, living at home. They enjoy a lot of freedom, as they always have, though there are still a few rules too. They are both busy with their lives, but we still find the time for an occasional game or dinner out. Next year it could all be very different. As we await orders for our next duty station, one is making plans to stay here where he works and trains, and the other is planning to transfer to a 4 year school in another state. It's exciting for all of us. A new chapter with endless possibilities. But I will miss the laughter and smiles we share each day. I will miss the warmth and kindness. I will miss the daily sharing of our lives.
Happily, I will have the memories: My little girl with the shirt she decorated in puffy paints when she was 4 that read "I am a bed hog." My little boy screaming for joy on Christmas morning, "IT'S THE MEGAZORD!" as he opened the coveted Power Ranger toy. We roller-bladed and rode our bikes, played hide and seek (we still do!) and went to midnight Harry Potter movies. So many memories that make me smile. So many shared tears, hugs, and laughter.
I know that things will change. They have to. But I also realize that some things won't. I know that somehow, via telephone, internet, and perhaps one day, even teleportation, we will manage to keep sharing our lives and our love. And there is a certain satisfaction in knowing that I did what I was put here to do and now I can retire....and wait for grandchildren.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
the Blues
In my research, I came across two therapies that I feel directly address the cause of SAD: lack of sunlight. The first, obviously, is light therapy. You simply sit near a special light box, for a specified time each day, depending on the lux of the light box, usually 2500 to 10,000 lux. The stronger the lux, the less time you need near the light box. Everyone is different, so there may be a bit of a learning curve to figure out how much time you need. Too much can overstimulate, resulting in jitters, insomnia, and generally feeling like you took too many No-Doz. We know that real sunlight regulates our hormones, sleep patterns, and helps us make vitamin D3. It is thought that the simulated sunlight stimulates chemicals made by our brain that affect our mood.
The second therapy is vitamin D3 supplementation. Unlike real sunlight, a light box cannot trick your body into manufacturing this vitamin/hormone. Even when you eat foods that contain some type of Vitamin D, your body has to convert it through the liver & kidneys into Vitamin D3. Many foods are fortified with Vitamin D, and yet many people are still deficient, especially the elderly. As we age, we actually need more time in the sunlight in order to make D3 than we did when we were younger. Add to that the liberal use of sunscreen, and it's no wonder we are lacking. Foods that are high in Vitamin D include all types of seafood, mushrooms, and fortified products such as milk, orange juice, cereals, and soy products. Since the body still has to convert this to D3, it may make sense to supplement with D3, especially if you are older. A vitamin/mineral supplement that includes calcium is a good choice; just make sure it uses Cholecalciferol, which is D3. A tablespoon of cod liver oil before bedtime is another good addition. The RDA for Vitamin D is 200 IU, 400 for infants. Many people successfully supplement with 2,000 or more IUs daily. However, as Vitamin D is fat soluble, it can build up in your system over time to toxic levels, so it's best to get your levels checked periodically. Vitamin D helps to regulate our metabolism & blood pressure, fortifies our immune system, and has a synergistic relationship with calcium, phosphorus, and Vitamin A. It has been shown to be effective against colon cancer and is instrumental in maintaining a healthy brain as well as bones.
There are many other alternative solutions to the winter blues, including chiropractic & acupuncture, herbs like St. John's Wort & Lemon Balm, supplements like B Complex Vitamins, SamE, Omega 3 fatty acids, & Melatonin, and regular exercise. But address the cause first. I think the combination of light therapy and Vitamin D3 supplementation will be a great place to start! Whatever you choose to try, remember that most therapies have the risk of at least mild side effects, so be sure to research and talk with your natural health care provider.
Are you living well?
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Big Truths
Ten years ago, my life had taken a bad turn. It was really like a "break the sound barrier" downward spiral into a black hole. I'd lost my job, nearly lost my husband, and completely lost myself and everything I believed in. It totally sucked. This past month, as I celebrated my 44th year on this planet, I pondered what I had learned through that process. I thought this would be a good time to share what I call my "Big Truths," or "What I learned when my life went to hell in a bucket."
1) Don’t worry if you haven’t learned the lesson from any given situation, because you will have another opportunity to learn it. That’s the way it works~ the universe will be more than generous in providing you new opportunities to learn to be giving, caring, selfless, compromising, and forgiving. Rewind, push play.
2) The grass ain’t greener. Wherever you go, you take yourself with you~ that means you bring the same issues and unresolved crap with you into every new relationship & situation, which brings me to the next truth…
3) If there’s a problem, it’s probably you. It’s easier to blame others than to look at yourself objectively. But taking responsibility for a situation is halfway home to resolving it. Walking away rarely means resolution. There is a difference between being in control and being controlling. See #1.
4) Whatever you want, you’ve got to bring it. If you want champagne at the party, then you’d better stop and pick some up instead of hoping someone else will provide it. This means, for example, if you want loving, warm, honest relationships, then you’d better show up with the love, warmth, and honesty in your own heart before worrying about what the other person brought. See #3.
5) Forgiveness is something you do for you. (Not forgiving means you choose to hold onto the crap and take it all personally. Guess what? What other people do is not about you. It’s about them. If someone has hurt you, it wasn’t on purpose, it was because they were trying to get their needs met~ needs that you weren’t meeting. See #3.
6) If you can imagine it, you can create it. Everything good in your life started first in your dreams and imagination. Think big. Imagine the possibilities. You are everything you need.
As always, I wish you peace.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
First, I consulted the dictionary. We may feel expectancy when looking forward to any positive event, such as the birth of a child. It encompasses a feeling of hope and anticipation. There is also a feeling of certainty or probability. I remember how it felt waiting for that first snow fall of the season as a child with a sled, the night before leaving for summer camp, or for my Grandmother's plane to arrive at the airport. Yes, I remember the feeling of "expectancy."
Armed with this new-found understanding, I asked myself, "What do I expect and how do I feel about that?" Because it's how we actually feel about our thoughts that really matters. If we want perfect health, happiness, and success, we have to think about what we are thinking and how it feels to think those thoughts. Confused? Let me give you an example...
If I wake up in the morning, expecting to have a wonderful day, I will feel positive and my muscles will be relaxed, and I will likely have a wonderful day. If I wake up expecting to have an awful day, my muscles will be tight because of these gloomy thoughts, and guess what? That's right, I will likely have an awful day. By the end it, I may even have a migraine and will likely feel emotionally and physically exhausted. Which would you choose?
If we are constantly expecting the worst, we are living in fear. And because "what you think about, you bring about," you will likely experience the outcome you are "expecting." Are you living in "worse case scenario" mode or "best case scenario" mode?
Let's make a choice to plan out our day the night before. Lying in bed before falling asleep, let's run through the perfect day we are going to have tomorrow. Let's be aware of how it feels. Let's envision it. Let's "expect" it.
We really can change our lives~ one thought at a time!
Friday, June 18, 2010
It's Difficult Until It's Not
Let me give you a personal example. Today is my son's biological father's birthday. In the 20 years my son has been alive on this planet, he has only ever had contact with his paternal Grandfather, and even that was many years ago. And yet I have this vision of acceptance and understanding between our families~ wishing and hoping that somehow there will be forgiveness, that his father will regret the spaces between and move to close the chasm. Clearly I am living in la la land.
When we resist something for a long time, we are not accepting the reality. We are not moving on. We are stagnant. We are stuck in our own muck. Remember the Serenity prayer about accepting those things which you cannot change? When we resist rather than accept, we are not honoring what is. We are not trusting the path. And we are exerting an enormous amount of energy into something that we cannot affect. I cannot make others conform to my vision. I cannot make a man see that he is missing out by not having a relationship with his wonderful son. What I can do is create the best relationships possible with those who choose to be in our family. I can take all of that energy I've been using to resist, and use it to create, love, nurture, and enjoy those who are right in front of me. And I can forgive: him, the situation, myself, the resistance, the negative emotions~ everything.
Once I was at a seminar where we gathered up rocks to represent different things in our lives we wanted to let go of. Each of us was led, blindfolded, by a partner, up a rocky hilltop in the desert. As we walked we would take a moment to drop a rock, saying what it was we were leaving there, and what we were replacing it with. For example, we could drop a rock and say, "I leave behind anger, and replace it with love." As I neared the top of the hill, I realized I was still holding one rock. I knew I had to let it go. I wanted to let it go. I stood there with my palm open, and all I had to do was tilt my hand and let it go. I had carried it for so long. Who would I be without it? Finally, after what seemed like a hundred hours, I allowed it to drop to the ground. I cried.
Afterward, I marveled at how difficult it had been to let that rock drop; how I had deluded myself into even recognizing that I was still carrying it! (remember Bilbo when he keeps the ring in his pocket and he's supposed to leave it for Frodo and Gandalf calls him out on it?) How many rocks are we carrying around every day of our lives, completely unaware?
Everything leading up to that moment of letting go is hard. But then you let go. You stop resisting and you start living. You stop waiting for other people to live up to your expectations, and accept them for who they are, warts and all, even if it means that they are never going to be a part of your life again or at least never the person you wanted them to be. That knot in your stomach dissipates. The sun comes out from behind the clouds. Basically, the lens you were using to look at your life is brought into focus. And you realize that it's only difficult until it's not.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
This Old House
They found me on a genealogy site, and were interested to know more about the family who had lived in the house; my family. Now, even my own relatives' eyes glaze over when I start talking about my family history. Just because you are related is no guarantee that they will shout for joy over your newly found 1850 census record for your shared great-great grandmother. Imagine my excitement to find someone who wants to know every bit of minutia surrounding these particular relatives!
As I toured the house, I could feel the energy of my relatives, which included several great aunts and uncles whom I'd known when I was a child, two of whom had lived long enough to meet my own kids. Seven children had lived there, four of them born there. One small boy had drowned on the property. Their young mother had died there. Mostly, I could feel the love they had shared. And so I was even more pleased to find that the new owners had turned half of "the back 40" into a community garden for the neighbors whose homes backed onto it.
Perhaps because my own childhood homes have long been sold, and as an Army wife, I have no permanent home, this old family home takes on special meaning for me. I am truly grateful that this wonderful couple has allowed me such a precious gift!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
AZ Immigrant Trash
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
But experiences like this one really get you thinking and doing. For example, I came home after the first day and steam cleaned all the carpets and furniture in my house. After the second day I went through my house and filled paper grocery bags with items for Goodwill. Today, day 3, I started sorting through personal papers in my garage and loaded up the car with donations. After I finish writing here, I will go clean out under the beds. I am a little obsessed.
It might be morbid, but I am left thinking: Who will go through all my stuff when I die? What will they find?! And what can I do now to make it easier on them? Because somehow I believe that cleaning through all this crap now is one way I can show my family that I love them when I am no longer here to tell them. I know families who have spent YEARS sorting through their parents' stuff. It is ALWAYS a huge undertaking, unless your loved one happened to be a hobo and lived out of a paper sack!
I also have this theory about cleaning house and weight loss.
And so I continue to de-clutter.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Beliefs Part II
In our traditional medical system, symptoms have been grouped together and given fancy names:
Auto-Immune Disorder, non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, and even Maple Syrup Urine Disease.
We then run around claiming ownership of such maladies, using phrases like "my allergies," "my urinary tract infection" and even, "my cancer." Words are powerful. And when we claim ownership of groups of symptoms like this, we perpetuate them. We tell our subconscious minds that we own them. They are a part of us. How can we expect to heal ourselves when we are essentially telling ourselves not to? (We can instead refer to them as "the symptoms I am experiencing" which gives you room for healing and keeps you detached from disease and illness.)
Let's remember that the body is self healing. When you cut yourself with a kitchen knife, it's not the band-aid that heals the cut. It's your body. When you heal from breast cancer, it's not the surgeon or the drugs that healed you. They may have provided a catalyst, but ultimately, you healed you. Understand that you don't have insomnia because of a lack of Lunesta. The body is awake because it's trying to survive something. The body is always trying to survive. Everything it does is to this end. Sometimes the symptoms it creates in surviving aren't pleasant. For example, I've had a headache for three days now. But I trust it. I know that my body is healing something. It's working for my survival. Rather than mask the symptoms with drugs, I am asking myself, "What am I doing to make this headache necessary?" and "What can I do to make it no longer necessary for my body to create this?"
This is a very different way of looking at health than the medical model. Essentially we are looking at the causes of illness, and not the symptoms. We are finding a way to get out of our own way, so that our bodies can heal. And we are trusting our bodies. Do you understand that even cancer is your body's attempt at healing something? In fact, if your body hadn't been able to create cancer, you would've already been dead. The cancer kept you alive long enough to figure it all out, get out of the way, and let the healing take place. I know this sounds radical. Instead of being fear-based and centered on "healing" from an outside person or drugs, it's self-empowering, fostering trust in your body. It leads to not only physical healing, but emotional healing as well.
Here's an exercise you can do to foster health and healing in your life. The next time you experience a symptom~ a headache or nausea, or even something more serious like an asthma attack or the growth of a tumor~ close your eyes, take a deep breath, exhale slowly, and say "thank you" to your body. Over and over, say "thank you." Once you are in a state of calm, ask yourself, "What do I need so that this symptom will no longer be necessary for my body to create?" Sit with that question silently, until an answer comes to you. All of the answers are in you. Maybe you need more time to yourself. Maybe you need a different job. Maybe you need to say "no" more often. Maybe you need to forgive others. Maybe you need to be a priority in your own life.
What we believe about illness and healing affects our health every day. Choose empowerment. Choose self-healing. Choose trust. And thank your body!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
As individuals, we form beliefs based on our personal experience with other children, family members, animals, and even activities like playing. As members of a bigger community and society, we form beliefs based on what is socially accepted, what is beautiful, what is right or wrong, or even that the earth is flat or round. And that's all good. But life changes. Circumstances change. As we grow older, the beliefs that kept us safe as a child may no longer serve us. For example, we learn early on that it's dangerous to cross the street without holding a grownup's hand. At some point, we decide that this belief no longer serves us: that we are now wise enough to cross carefully on our own.
People feel very strongly about their beliefs. The Catholic Church persecuted those who sided with the "round Earth" belief. If you try to tell anyone that their beliefs are wrong, whether they relate to religion, health, or politics, you are likely to get an earful. No one likes having their beliefs challenged. But that is exactly what we must do in order to truly grow, heal, and live a full life.
Everything you do is because of a tightly-held belief. You diet because you believe you are fat. You divorce because you believe your spouse doesn't love you. You don't help a stranger because you believe they could be dangerous. But what if your beliefs are wrong? On the extreme side, consider an anorexic girl who is wasting away but looks in the mirror and sees a fat person. This is an extreme belief, granted, but it demonstrates perfectly how our beliefs are not always grounded in reality. Maybe the anorexic was once fat. But she isn't anymore. Yet she can't let go of the belief. A boy who grew up in a fearful home situation believes that love involves pain. You can imagine what a challenge his relationships will be when he is older if he can't discard this belief and replace it with a believe that is more supportive of healthy relationships.
I share these examples in hopes that it will make it easier for you to identify your beliefs and then change or discard the ones that no longer serve you. Pick an area of your life that you find a struggle. Maybe it's relationships, finances, your career, your health, or any number of areas. Write down your beliefs about that area of your life. Write down how you feel about that area specifically as it applies to you, and in general. For example if I'm writing about food, I might write: "I feel out of control. I love food. I hate food. I am obsessed by food. It seems the whole country is obsessed with food." Then ask yourself, "When was the first time I felt this way? Who taught me to love food? to hate food? What are my early memories and experiences around food?" Keep writing until you have at least one "Aha!" moment. For example, I realized that there was a correlation between how deprived I feel during a diet, and the fact that I was often sent to bed without supper as a child. Now that I am aware of that, I can create new beliefs about food~ that food is nourishment (not punishment) and that food does not provide lasting comfort. I can look elsewhere in my life for the love I desire, and not bury my face in a plate of nachos. By examining my beliefs about food, and creating new ones, I feel liberated. Now when I write about my beliefs about food, I would write things like "Food fuels my body. I can enjoy food in a normal healthy way. Eating healthy food is just one way I love and take care of myself."
If we desire change for the better, we first must understand what beliefs brought us to where we are now. You are who you are today because of what you believed yesterday. If you want tomorrow to be different, you must examine, discard, and change your beliefs.
Wishing you love & peace~
Friday, April 30, 2010
AZ Immigration Law
Legal experts have come out somewhere in the middle. You can't just check someone's papers because they look Hispanic, but you can check anyone who is having any lawful contact with you as a police officer, if they have brought reasonable suspicion upon themselves.
I find it interesting that an entire nation is arguing about this AZ law and judging the people of Arizona, most without knowing what its like to live in Arizona. I can tell you that the hills move at night. There is a level of fear, especially in rural areas because of illegals crossing. That's not to say that these are bad people, but they are often desperate, having traveled for days over the mountains and desert. The citizens in southern Arizona are often caught in a moral dilemma: Do I give water, food, shelter to a human being in need at my doorstep? Do I call immigration? Will others stop here if I do help? Will I or my family be harmed if I don't? And the illegals while crossing leave behind pounds of garbage, clothing, personal items, and of course, excrement. They also start fires which damage property and put home owners at considerable risk. In AZ thousands cross the border illegally every night. It is our country's busiest illegal crossing point.
And how else does the illegal poplulation affect Arizona? Some argue that illegals do jobs that no one else would do. Others would say that they undercut pay and take jobs away from citizens. Besides the crimes committed during border crossings, there are other crimes committed by illegals once in the country. In Phoenix alone, nearly all of it's annual 57,000 car thefts are committed by illegals. Earlier this month, a rancher was executed at his home by an illegal. Add to that the rampant ID theft, forgery, drunk driving, driving without insurance and other assorted crimes, you can imagine that the AZ police are overwhelmed.
Let's not forget though that Arizona schools are full of the children of adult illegals, who don't pay taxes that support schools. In fact property taxes in Arizona support many of the programs that pay for illegals. Then there are the prisons and hospitals which are full of illegals. And lets not forget that the children born in this country to illegals are citizens, who are now on the receiving end of federally funded school & lunch programs. Who is paying for these people???
This moral high ground that the rest of the United States takes against Arizona and its efforts to bring this situation under control is laughable. People who are in this country illegally are breaking the law. The people of AZ should have the freedom to enforce the law. They should have the freedom to protect their citizens from crimes committed by illegals. They shouldn't have to continue to pay for people who are here illegally, at a detriment to their own families and communities. If the rest of the country wants to be tolerant and compassionate, let them open up their check books and come down to Arizona and help pay the high cost of illegal immigrants.
Friday, April 23, 2010
A Very Short Story With a Happy Ending
Thursday, April 22, 2010
the Power of Encouragement
Well, I finally cleaned out that drawer in the kitchen. You know the one. It was once organized bliss. Yesterday it barely opened (or closed) with papers stuck in the way back; a hodgepodge of address books, stamps, paperclips, old tins of mints, lip gloss, post-it notes~ and a four year old note card, sent to me by a dear friend and colleague.
Now this is especially significant when you realize that I've only lived in this house for 2 years and 3 months. And yet, here is this note card, dated February 15th, 2006. It starts simply enough, with a heartfelt thank you for a gift received. But it ends like this:
"You are a gifted, talented individual ~ Believe it - live it ~ Do it ~ It's within you. It's yours."
Is it any wonder why I have kept this note?
I marvel at the power of these words~ what they make me think~ what they make me feel~ energized, grateful, appreciated, empowered; actually creating a profound shift in my Universe.
When we encourage others, we give hope and promise. We inspire, inspirit, foster, and hearten.
We give them a chance to see themselves through the eyes of another~ eyes of appreciation, love, and possibility.
Encouragement~ pass it on! :]
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Title Track
What is your purpose in life? What is your gift? A while back, I figured out that teaching others "perseverance" was mine. "We Go On" certainly captures that is heard at the end of Disney's Reflections of Earth, at Epcot.
You can hear the entire show here:
Lyrics to We Go On and Promise, written by Don Dorsey.
We Go On
With the stillness of the night there comes a time to understand,
to reach out and touch tomorrow, take the future in our hand.
We can see a new horizon built on all that we have done
and our dreams begin another thousand circles round the sun.
We go on through the joy and through the tears. We go on to discover new frontiers.
Moving on with the current of the years, we go on moving forward now as one.
Moving on in the spirit born to run.
We go on with each rising sun to a new day. We go on.
Every evening brings an ending. Every day becomes a legacy.
Every sunset leads to morning with the promise of opportunity.
We can reach for the stars we find along the way, dreaming as we learn to love everyday.
Promise you will take my hand as tomorrow comes. We’ll go on.
We’ll go on growing closer through the years.
Moving on through the good times and the tears.
Ever on, another thousand circles round the sun, we’ll go on.
There is music, if you listen, in the rhythm of each breath we take.
Destinations undiscovered, revelations from every choice we make.
And I know there are diamonds dancing in the sky. All we have to do is open our eyes.
Promise we’ll walk side by side as a new day dawns; we’ll go on.
We’ll go on growing closer through the years.
Moving on through the good times and the tears.
Ever on another thousand circles round the sun.
And we live to keep the promise – we’ll go on.