I've had the strangest experience this past week, revisiting something from my past. Each day new feelings and memories surfaced. There were tears, both of fear and sorrow, but also of joy. Somewhere, somehow, inside of me, something was let free. I'm not even sure how. I had no idea I was holding onto this and yet there it was, and now it's gone. As a reflex, I went to grab one of my favorite self-help guides, and then I realized, I was done. I was done fixing myself. All I'd had to do all along was to offer & receive forgiveness, and let myself feel those buried feelings. There was nothing I could have done that would have sped up the process. It had to happen in the perfect timing that this Universe offers us. And now more than ever, I trust. I trust that it's all good. And that on my path, I will always find exactly what I need, when I need it most. I breathe in, and I breathe out a quiet "thank you," and am grateful for the perfection this world offers. It's all good.