First, I consulted the dictionary. We may feel expectancy when looking forward to any positive event, such as the birth of a child. It encompasses a feeling of hope and anticipation. There is also a feeling of certainty or probability. I remember how it felt waiting for that first snow fall of the season as a child with a sled, the night before leaving for summer camp, or for my Grandmother's plane to arrive at the airport. Yes, I remember the feeling of "expectancy."
Armed with this new-found understanding, I asked myself, "What do I expect and how do I feel about that?" Because it's how we actually feel about our thoughts that really matters. If we want perfect health, happiness, and success, we have to think about what we are thinking and how it feels to think those thoughts. Confused? Let me give you an example...
If I wake up in the morning, expecting to have a wonderful day, I will feel positive and my muscles will be relaxed, and I will likely have a wonderful day. If I wake up expecting to have an awful day, my muscles will be tight because of these gloomy thoughts, and guess what? That's right, I will likely have an awful day. By the end it, I may even have a migraine and will likely feel emotionally and physically exhausted. Which would you choose?
If we are constantly expecting the worst, we are living in fear. And because "what you think about, you bring about," you will likely experience the outcome you are "expecting." Are you living in "worse case scenario" mode or "best case scenario" mode?
Let's make a choice to plan out our day the night before. Lying in bed before falling asleep, let's run through the perfect day we are going to have tomorrow. Let's be aware of how it feels. Let's envision it. Let's "expect" it.
We really can change our lives~ one thought at a time!